
Speed Networking

November 27, 2023 @ 7:00 pm 9:00 pm


Join us for an exhilarating evening of connection, collaboration, and camaraderie at the Joint Speed Networking Fellowship presented by the Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka and the Rotary Club of Nairobi Thika Road. This exclusive event is scheduled for Monday, November 27th, at the prestigious Royal Nairobi Golf Club, starting at 7 pm.

Rotary Unites for Networking Excellence:

Rotary is not just an organization; it’s a vibrant community that believes in service above self. In this spirit of unity and fellowship, we bring you an exceptional networking event that merges the values of Rotary with the power of professional connections. The Joint Speed Networking Fellowship is designed to propel your personal and professional networks to new heights.

Key Event Highlights:

  1. Networking at Its Pinnacle: Immerse yourself in an evening of purposeful networking with like-minded professionals, entrepreneurs, and community leaders. Exchange ideas, forge partnerships, and explore collaborative opportunities that transcend traditional boundaries.
  2. Rotary’s Impactful Presence: Witness the strength of Rotary as a force for positive change in our communities. Learn more about the impactful projects led by the Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka and the Rotary Club of Nairobi Thika Road, and discover how you can contribute to making a difference.
  3. Venue Fit for Royalty: The Royal Nairobi Golf Club, a symbol of elegance and prestige, sets the stage for an unforgettable evening. Enjoy the lush surroundings and sophisticated atmosphere as you engage in meaningful conversations.

Why Attend?

  • Expand Your Network: Connect with professionals from diverse industries, opening doors to new opportunities and collaborations.
  • Rotary Values in Action: Immerse yourself in the Rotary spirit, where service, fellowship, diversity, and integrity are at the forefront.
  • Personal and Professional Growth: Enhance your personal and professional development through valuable insights and shared experiences.

How to Register:

Seize this golden opportunity to enhance your network and contribute to the Rotary mission. Limited spots are available, so secure your place now by registering through the form below.

#Madaraka Mondays
If Guest, kindly indicate Guest

Don’t miss out on this unique chance to blend Rotary’s ethos with the power of networking. Join us at the Royal Nairobi Golf Club on Monday, November 27th, at 7 pm for an evening that promises to elevate your Rotary experience and expand your professional horizons.

Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka and Rotary Club of Nairobi Thika Road look forward to welcoming you to an evening of fellowship, networking, and Rotary pride!

Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka

View Organizer Website

Royal Nairobi Golf Club

Muchai Road, off Ngong Road
Nairobi, Nairobi Kenya

Speed Networking

November 27, 2023 @ 7:00 pm 9:00 pm


Join us for an exhilarating evening of connection, collaboration, and camaraderie at the Joint Speed Networking Fellowship presented by the Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka and the Rotary Club of Nairobi Thika Road. This exclusive event is scheduled for Monday, November 27th, at the prestigious Royal Nairobi Golf Club, starting at 7 pm.

Rotary Unites for Networking Excellence:

Rotary is not just an organization; it’s a vibrant community that believes in service above self. In this spirit of unity and fellowship, we bring you an exceptional networking event that merges the values of Rotary with the power of professional connections. The Joint Speed Networking Fellowship is designed to propel your personal and professional networks to new heights.

Key Event Highlights:

  1. Networking at Its Pinnacle: Immerse yourself in an evening of purposeful networking with like-minded professionals, entrepreneurs, and community leaders. Exchange ideas, forge partnerships, and explore collaborative opportunities that transcend traditional boundaries.
  2. Rotary’s Impactful Presence: Witness the strength of Rotary as a force for positive change in our communities. Learn more about the impactful projects led by the Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka and the Rotary Club of Nairobi Thika Road, and discover how you can contribute to making a difference.
  3. Venue Fit for Royalty: The Royal Nairobi Golf Club, a symbol of elegance and prestige, sets the stage for an unforgettable evening. Enjoy the lush surroundings and sophisticated atmosphere as you engage in meaningful conversations.

Why Attend?

  • Expand Your Network: Connect with professionals from diverse industries, opening doors to new opportunities and collaborations.
  • Rotary Values in Action: Immerse yourself in the Rotary spirit, where service, fellowship, diversity, and integrity are at the forefront.
  • Personal and Professional Growth: Enhance your personal and professional development through valuable insights and shared experiences.

How to Register:

Seize this golden opportunity to enhance your network and contribute to the Rotary mission. Limited spots are available, so secure your place now by registering through the form below.

#Madaraka Mondays
If Guest, kindly indicate Guest

Don’t miss out on this unique chance to blend Rotary’s ethos with the power of networking. Join us at the Royal Nairobi Golf Club on Monday, November 27th, at 7 pm for an evening that promises to elevate your Rotary experience and expand your professional horizons.

Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka and Rotary Club of Nairobi Thika Road look forward to welcoming you to an evening of fellowship, networking, and Rotary pride!

Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka

View Organizer Website

Royal Nairobi Golf Club

Muchai Road, off Ngong Road
Nairobi, Nairobi Kenya
Lost in the 90s

The Lost in the 90s Music Party

November 30, 2023 @ 7:00 pm 11:30 pm

🎉 Lost in the 90s Music Party: A Blast from the Past with Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka! 🎶

Get ready to travel back in time and groove to the beats of the 90s at the ultimate musical extravaganza brought to you by the Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka! Join us on a nostalgic journey at Bagatelle, Westlands, where we will be hosting the most epic ‘Lost in the 90s’ music party.

🎵 Dance Through the Decades: Lost in the 90s Edition 🎵

On November 30th 2023, Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka is turning back the clock to the golden era of music. Remember the days of cassette tapes, flannel shirts, and iconic boy bands? Get ready to reminisce and dance the night away to the tunes of your favorite 90s hits. From the Spice Girls to Nirvana, our DJ will be spinning the tracks that defined a generation.

A Night of Charity and Giving Back

But wait, there’s more to this party than just good music and retro vibes! This event isn’t just about reliving the 90s; it’s about making a difference in the present. All proceeds from this spectacular evening will go towards completing our Mithu Water Project in Kyangala, Machakos County. By attending, you’re not just having a great time; you’re contributing to a noble cause.

💧 Supporting the Mithu Water Project: Making Clean Water a Reality 💧

The Mithu Water Project is a Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka initiative aimed at providing clean and safe drinking water to the community of Kyangala, Machakos County. With your support, we can turn this vision into a reality. Every ticket you purchase, every dance move you make, and every smile you share will bring us one step closer to completing this life-changing project.

🤝 Join Hands with Rotary: Making a Difference Together 🤝

Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka has always been committed to service above self. By attending our ‘Lost in the 90s’ music party, you’re not only embracing the spirit of the 90s but also joining hands with us to create a lasting impact in the lives of others. Let’s come together, dance together, and make a difference together!

🎫 Get Your Advance Tickets Now: Let’s Get Lost in the 90s for a Cause! 🎫

Don’t miss out on the most exciting event of the year! Advance tickets for this unforgettable night are available for just Kshs. 1000. Please note that these are the only tickets available, and no tickets will be sold at the door. Grab your tickets now and get ready to get lost in the 90s, all while supporting a charitable cause. Join Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka at Bagatelle, Westlands, on [Event Date] for a night filled with music, memories, and meaningful contributions. Let’s make this party a night to remember!

Lost in the 90s - Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka
Kshs.1000 Advance Tickets Only

Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka

View Organizer Website

Oldorko Mosiro Primary Christmas Party

A Christmas Joy for Oldorko Mosiro School Learners


In the spirit of giving and spreading holiday cheer, the Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka organized a heartwarming Christmas party for the students of Oldorko Mosiro Primary School. This celebration, made possible by the generosity of Rotary members and the community, brought smiles to the faces of young learners who have overcome significant challenges, including the threat of early Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and troubled home situations. In this festive gathering, the Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka, inspired by their commitment to service, showered the children with gifts donated by Rotarians during a touching visit to the school in September.

Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka: A Beacon of Hope

The Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka, a renowned humanitarian organization, has always been at the forefront of promoting positive change in the community. Their dedication to eradicating social issues such as FGM and supporting disadvantaged youth is truly inspiring. By organizing events like the Christmas party at Oldorko Mosiro Primary School, they exemplify the Rotary motto of “Service Above Self.”

Spreading Festive Joy and Love

The Christmas party was a vibrant affair filled with laughter, music, and the warmth of the holiday season. The Rotary Club members, embodying the spirit of Christmas, distributed thoughtful gifts that had been donated earlier. These gifts, ranging from educational supplies to toys and clothing, not only brought joy to the children but also symbolized the care and concern of the Rotary community. The smiles on the faces of the young learners reflected the success of the event.

Empowering Through Education

Education stands as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path towards a brighter future. The Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka understands this profoundly and has been instrumental in supporting educational initiatives. By sponsoring the Christmas party, they not only brought festive cheer but also reinforced the importance of education in the lives of these children. Their efforts highlight the power of community support in shaping the lives of the younger generation.

A Generous Gesture: Rotary’s Donation

The Rotary Club members’ visit in September left an indelible mark on the students and the school community. The generous donation of approximately $90 towards the Christmas party showcased the Club’s commitment to making a positive impact. This financial support facilitated the organization of the event, ensuring that the children had a memorable and joyous celebration.

Conclusion: Spreading Hope and Happiness

In the heart of Oldorko Mosiro Primary School, the Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka not only organized a Christmas party but also sowed the seeds of hope, love, and compassion. Their dedication to supporting these resilient learners, who have triumphed over adversity, is a testament to the transformative power of community and kindness.

As we celebrate this season of giving, let us remember the remarkable work done by organizations like the Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka. Their commitment to creating positive change echoes far beyond the festivities, leaving a lasting impact on the lives they touch. Through events like these, the Rotary Club members exemplify the true spirit of Christmas, reminding us all that a small act of kindness can illuminate the darkest corners and bring joy to those who need it the most.

Oldorko Mosiro Primary School

Transforming Lives: Rotary Club of Nairobi Madaraka’s Impactful Visit to Oldorko Mosiro Primary Scho

Once upon a time, nestled in the heart of Kajiado County, Kenya, there lay a hidden gem known as Oldorko Mosiro Primary School. This school had remained elusive, even on the mighty Google Maps.

The adventure began at the break of dawn, around 7.30am. A vibrant group of Rotarians, about 23 of them, huddled together in a Rosa bus, ready to explore the unknown.

After breakfast, a few photos here and there, we were on our way to the school which is 50km off Ntulele town. The road is earthen and quite uneven so we had to drive slowly to avoid getting stuck.

At long last, after traversing 50KMs from Ntulele town, we arrived at Oldorko Mosiro Primary School around 2pm. As if by destiny, members from the Rotary Club of Maasai Mara and Enkare Narok had also answered our call and gathered here. We were met with a jubilant reception, as the pupils, with their traditional Maa melodies and dances, welcomed us.

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After pleasantries here and there, and a warm welcome from the teachers and pupils, we were led to sit as our leadership observed Rotary meeting protocol. We had brought gifts, generously donated by our club members, including dry foodstuffs, diapers for some young mothers, and much-needed clothing. Books, too, found their way to the eager hands of young learners.

The principal then took over the meeting and introduced his staff. We were also able to meet some parents who’d come for a Parents, teachers meeting. He then narrated the extraordinary story of Oldorko Mosiro Primary School.

This institution provides sanctuary for children escaping early marriages, female genital mutilation, forced labor and parental cruelty. Amongst these brave souls was a nine-year-old girl who had recently fled an impending early marriage. With a heart full of courage, she had escaped her home in the dead of night, running 12 kilometers to the school. The head teacher and his staff had embraced her, protecting her even when her father arrived the following day, desperate to reclaim her. The young girl, with her infectious smile, welcomed us to the school, her non-uniform attire signaling her urgent need for assistance.

The whole school is a close-knit community.  Those students who were fortunate enough to have parental support came together, pooling their resources to assist their fellow students who had been rescued from dire circumstances. They once gifted 25 pairs of socks to their friends.

Sounds amazing, right? And it really is. But the school is in dire need of support from well-wishers to keep running. Food, water, proper fencing to keep elephants that destroy the vegetation at bay. They need a system that ensures they can keep going even during holidays so the kids running away from home don’t have to go back there when schools have closed.

The principal said that if they can keep the children safe just one extra day, it makes all the difference for them. Wouldn’t it be amazing if it weren’t for just one day though?

The Oldorko Mosiro community is quite the lot. They made us food. All the almost 30 of us. That even in this hardship they still had it in their hearts to offer us sustenance. We enjoyed the meal. And sang, and danced and interacted with these amazing teachers, parents and children. Our hearts were full.

After some serious deliberation between the school board and Rotary Madaraka Board to truly assess the needs of the school, it was time to leave. Just a little after 5 Pm. I won’t even get into the details of that trip on the earthen road back to Ntulele, then to Narok where we were to have fellowship and induct two new members.

Okay, okay, maybe I will. Remember our Rosa bus? And A.G. Ashley’s Pajero? Well, it rained on our way back and both vehicles got stuck in mud for about 3 hours. No, don’t feel sorry for us. We actually had the most amazing time bonding and getting to know each other as we waited for the truck that would pull our bus out of the mud.

They say the best way to know someone’s character is observing them during adverse situations? This crew showed tenacity and grace and all-round good vibes.

We got rescued, eventually. At around 9 Pm and took the rest of the trip to Narok. No, no, the fellowship couldn’t take place at midnight- we are not those people. So, we rested- those who did. Others went for swallowship- and on Sunday at 10:30 am, we inducted our newest members; Mogoi Ayienda and Grace Mugo to the club before driving back to Nairobi. We would like to thank everyone who made this trip possible. Starting from the leadership of our AG Ashley Myers, Our President Joel Wandurwa and the organizing committee that dedicated their time and resources into making this trip possible, and a success. Our gratitude extends to the Rotary Clubs of Nairobi-Langata, Nairobi-Ridgeways, Maasai Mara, and Enkare Narok for collaborating with us on this service.

Oldorko Mosiro Primary School
Oldorko Mosiro Primary School
Oldorko Mosiro Primary School
Oldorko Mosiro Primary School
Oldorko Mosiro Primary School
Oldorko Mosiro Primary School
Oldorko Mosiro Primary School
Oldorko Mosiro Primary School
Oldorko Mosiro Primary School
Oldorko Mosiro Primary School
Oldorko Mosiro Primary School
DG Visit - Friend's Integrated Centre

Rotary Club of Madaraka Members Mark The Global Handwashing Day in Kariobangi, Nairobi

Global Hand Washing Day was this year marked on 15th October 2022, under the Theme; Unite for Universal Hand washing Hygiene.  Its rallying call continues to advocate for proper hand washing with soap as an effortless and affordable way of saving lives.

This year’s theme, calls for coordinated action and time to advance the need and importance of promoting good hand hygiene. To mark this noble day, members of the Rotary club of Nairobi Madaraka, donated soap to students and teachers of Friends Integrated School, Kariobangi, Nairobi. A total of 250 students and 15 teachers went home with a bar soap from Lifeboy, a product of Unilever. The distribution exercise followed a short training on proper hand washing technics shared during the visit.

Global Handwashing Day 2022